Q: Marketing Strategies for Enrollment

We’ve tried a variety of things and even though the students we have say good things about us, we continue to have problems finding new students and retention remains low. Do you have thoughts on marketing strategies to help us?


Sorry to hear about your enrollment challenges. While a good marketing strategy is always necessary, there's a step I'd recommend taking prior.

You must understand the underlying reasons you're having difficulty attracting new students. It could be that you lack programs when compared to competitor schools. It could be that you have a reputational issue you're unaware of. There are a host of reasons that would detract from a school's enrollment goals.

Typically, we conduct an audit/assessment/study for our independent school clients where we talk to administration, staff, parents, applicants, and members of the community to get a 360 understanding of sentiment and how that compares to internal perception.

This can come in the form of interviews, focus groups, and general research but is key to discovering the issues holding you back. Only then can you devise an effective marketing strategy that will highlight the school's strengths and reach mission appropriate potential families.

I find it difficult to recommend a particular strategy without fully understanding the situation. Tactics are the easier part, it's the overarching strategy that needs the heavy lifting.

Easier said than done but not impossible. Something you may want to consider the assistance of an outside expert.

Hope this helps get the juices flowing.


I would concur that research is going to be the key to your strategy moving forward here.

Many schools make the mistake of missing out this important step. Stakeholder insight can take many guises, from parent surveys to student focus groups, but decliner research I would say, is right up at the top of the list for your situation.

Only when you have the insight and know that you understand your current and prospective audiences in full, should you then set about implementing a strategic plan which will target key marketing goals.

Good luck and best wishes.


I’d welcome a conversation to learn more about your situation.  But as the question is general, here are some tried and true initiatives that will get you where you want to go:

To prove ROI: Collect and analyze objective qualitative and quantitative data from alumni and past families for compelling testimonials and success stories to use in content marketing — as well as to gather updated contact information for alumni and past families so you can better grow and serve your lifetime constituents and referrers.

To improve conversions, yield, and retention: Understand confidentially the real reasons families inquire, visit but not apply, do not choose your school, enroll, or do not return. Our researchers are trained interrogative reporters who read between the lines to get to the essence of your audience’s thinking and feelings, fears and aspirations. A permission-based phone interview by a neutral third party is essential. (You can’t read the label from inside the bottle).

Once you have actionable recommendations from your market research, identify where mission appropriate families live at rooftop level today, and where they will be in five years. Talk to us about how we conduct enrollment feasibility and forecasting.

To get everyone internally to do his or her job to enroll and retain families, download this free guide, Pulling Together in the Same Direction.

Thanks for your question and best wishes from all of us at Connor Associates.

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