The Electrical Crew
Liza and Rob, circa 1973
So who are we? We’re Liza Fisher Norman and Rob Norman, and our life work has been spent helping almost 100 fine private schools develop their brands and reach marketing and communications goals for enrollment and development. We believe that private schools change lives and create the kind of people we want in our communities.
We were principals of Turnaround Marketing Communications, a branding and marketing firm specializing in private schools for more than two decades. We noticed that many of our clients were on fire when their brand was new, but a year or so later the flame went out.
And we knew why.
They were too busy putting out fires to think strategically, too busy keeping up with technology and trends that change with lightning speed, and often working alone. Really alone.
We wondered what could we do to help.
Enter InspirED. In 2013, in a light bulb moment, we conceived InspirED School Marketers™ — a free, online professional development resource and community that provides brilliant ideas and brain food for private school marketing and communications.
We want to make your job easier. Contact either of us to let us know how we can help. Let’s create some sparks!
Liza Fisher Norman, Master Electrician
Robert A. Norman, Best Boy
Dizzy, a rescue lab wannabe, and certified therapy dog
Herbie, a yorkie rescue, and certified therapy dog