You Are Brilliant!

Each year, we are more impressed by school marketers’ creativity and marketing savvy worldwide. The 2019 judges were wowed by your entries and report how proud they are to be part of this small but powerful niche industry.

We hope this year’s winners serve as an inspiration to all. Thanks to everyone who submitted their work. Each one of you is brilliant!

We couldn’t have done it without the 2019 Brilliance Judges who generously shared their time, expertise, and insights. Thank you, thank you.


Liza and Rob

P.S. Thanks to Mixed Digital for sponsoring the 2019 Brilliance Awards.

2019 Brilliance Awards Winners

* Too few entries to judge 

Steppingstone Scholars: Beneficiary of 2019 Brilliance Awards

A portion of the proceeds from the Brilliance Awards was donated to Steppingstone Scholars to support the fine work they do.

Some of the Philadelphia area independent schools affiliated with the Steppingstone Scholars program are: Episcopal Academy, Germantown Academy, Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, Abington Friends School, The Haverford School, Friends Select, Friends' Central, Baldwin School, Shipley School, and Agnes Irwin School.