InspirED Brilliance Awards for Private School Marketing

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Did You Know?

Entries can be produced in any year, but not won a Brilliance Award in the past.

Companies and consultants who work with private schools can enter for their clients.

Open worldwide for PK-12 private schools.

Rules and FAQs


1. Complete Entry Form

Entry Fees

$29 Super Saver starting Friday, September 6, 2024

$59 Standard starting Saturday, Sept 21, 2024

Note: one form per entry!

Pro Tips
1. To submit a number of entries at one time, keep selecting “Add to Cart,” then go to the next form, and repeat for as many entries as you have. Then you can check out all of your entries at one time.

2. Create an account after the first submission to make your life easier next time.

What’s on the entry form?

  • school info (name, address, grades it serves, enrollment, coed/boys/girls, day/boarding/both, contact, website)

  • agency/business info (if appropriate: name, address, contact)

  • team members on the project

  • whose name goes on the winner’s certificate

  • category you’re entering

  • agreement to terms

  • payment via credit card


Reminder: Create an account after your first entry and make entering even faster next time.

2. Receive Confirmation Email

Check your spam folder if you can’t find it. Email us if it’s still not there.

3. Submit Materials

Enter at any time. Submit materials by Wednesday, October 23, 2024 by midnight EDT. Instructions here.