InspirED Brilliance Awards for Private Schools

Questions? Email us


Reminders! Entries can…

  • be produced IN ANY YEAR as long as they haven’t won a Brilliance Award in the past.

  • be submitted by a school, agency, or business (writer, photographer, printer, etc.) except Category #9

How to Enter
How to Submit Materials


Judging criteria listed after categories. See MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS for more details on submissions.
Entry forms due October 18, 2024. Materials due October 23, 2024.


For the purpose of attracting new students and families

1. Printed Viewbook/Prospectus (Enrollment 351 or More) Single piece or package.
2. Printed Viewbook/Prospectus (Enrollment 350 or Fewer) Single piece or package.
3. Enrollment/Admissions Video Single.
4. Virtual Tour Single.
5. Paid Advertising For Enrollment Single or series (max 8). Print ads, radio commercials, Facebook or Google ads, outdoor (billboards, transit, mall, etc.), or another medium where space is purchased.


For the purpose of raising money to benefit the school

6.  Fundraising Appeal Single. Print or digital. For annual giving, campaign, or any other fundraising need. 
7.  Fundraising Video Single. For annual giving, campaign, or any other fundraising need. 
8. Annual Report/Report of Gifts/Donor Report Single. Printed publication or digital (such as a web page).


For the purpose of portraying or documenting life at school and events

9. Still Photography In-House Single or series (max 6). Created by your school internally without outside professional help of any kind.
10. Still Photography Outsourced Single or series (max 6). Created by a professional photographer or company and submitted by the school or the professional. Entries must all be for one school.


For the purpose of portraying the brand of the school and current school life

11. Website Homepage (Enrollment 351 or More)
12. Website Homepage (Enrollment 350 or Fewer)
13. Website Homepage Redesign
(Before and After) Must submit a screenshot of the previous design as well as current URL.


For the purpose of accurately representing the school via graphic identity

14. Logo Single. For any purpose such as school, fundraising, sports, etc.
15. Graphic Identity Redesign (Before and After) Must submit before and after examples. No limit to the number of examples. For the entire school, a program, fundraising, event, etc.


For the purpose of representing life at the school, covering topics of interest to the community, and profiling community members

16. Magazine Overall Design (Enrollment 351 or More) Single issue. Writing is not considered.
17. Magazine Overall Design (Enrollment 350 or Fewer) Single issue. Writing is not considered.
18. Magazine Writing (Enrollment 351 or More): Submit 3 articles on any topic. Design is not considered. Articles can be from different magazine issues but must all be for the same school.
19. Magazine Writing (Enrollment 350 or Fewer) Submit 3 articles on any topic. Design is not considered. Articles can be from different issues of the magazine but must all be for the same school.
20. Magazine Cover Design (Enrollment 351 or More) Submit up to 3 covers from any year from the same school. Writing is not considered.
21. Magazine: Cover Design (Enrollment 350 or Fewer) Submit up to 3 covers from any year from the same school. Writing is not considered.

Social Media

For the purpose of highlighting school life, attracting new families and students, fundraising, or building community

22. Social Media Submit up to 6 examples. A social media campaign on any channel(s) such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc., with one focus, such as fundraising, graduation, admissions, results day, reunion, special event, etc.

Once and Done

For the purpose of promoting, explaining, celebrating, etc., an event for the benefit of the school

23. Fun Video Single. This is for any kind of holiday or event, such as back-to-school, holiday, snow day, school spirit, welcome, etc.
24. Special Event Submit up to 10 examples for events such as the Head of School announcement, strategic plan, anniversary, capital campaign, reunion, new student/family welcome, etc.

Biggest Risk

For the purpose of executing a marketing concept that is creative and unique in the private school marketing world

25. Out of the Box Concept Submit as many examples as needed.

Got questions? Check out the FAQs.
Can’t find the answer there? Email us.

Judging Criteria

  1. Originality: Is it new, different, unlike the others? Consider concept, presentation, and individual components in deciding how fresh it feels.

  2. Persuasiveness: Does the entry accomplish what it sets out to do? Would it persuade you to act (inquire/apply, for an enrollment piece; give, for a fundraising piece; feel proud or connected, for a magazine)?

  3. Copy/Script/Dialog:  Does it make a positive impact? Does it convey its message clearly? Is it enjoyable to read or, for videos and podcasts, listen to? Is it interesting, well-written, well-edited, and error-free? If it tells a story, does it have a clear arc and point? Is it creative, fresh, and compelling? Is it effective in achieving the purpose of the piece?

  4. Visual Elements: Depending on the piece, these could include photography, video, graphics, typography, graphic design, and/or artwork. Are they appropriate to the piece? Compelling, fresh, and interesting? Are photos/video of high quality in terms of composition, lighting, and other technical aspects? Do they contribute to the overall effect and story?

  5. Execution: Does the piece excel in the effective use of design, color, typography, graphic elements, audio, digital elements, layout, navigation, user-experience? Is it readable, understandable, clear, compelling? Is it creative and modern?  Is it technically excellent?

  6. Overall Appeal: What’s your gut feeling about this project? Do you like it?


All categories will be judged on criteria 1-6 with the following exceptions.  

PHOTOGRAPHY: These categories will be judged on criteria 1,2,5,6

  • 9. & 10. Still Photography

DESIGN: These categories will be judged on criteria 1,2,4,5,6

  • 13. Website Homepage Redesign

  • 16. & 17. Magazine Overall Design

  • 20. & 21. Magazine Cover Design

COPY: These categories will be judged on criteria 1,2,3,6

  • 18. & 19. Magazine Writing

IDENTITY: These categories will be judged on criteria 1,4,5,6

  • 14. Logo

  • 15. Graphic Identity Redesign

Categories where entries can be “any format” will require the judges to use their best judgment in applying the criteria.