Rob Norman
As InspirED's electrical foreman, Rob Norman makes sure all the wires are connected, internally and externally. Just as he did when he and wife Liza ran their branding, marketing, and design firm, Rob handles not only client relationships, but also production and administration—the business end. Any members who have questions about their school’s or company’s information on the site, Rob is the guy to contact.
Rob also shares his 25 years of independent school marketing experience by blogging and podcasting interviews with fascinating movers and shakers. As Best Boy, a term borrowed from theater, Rob's longtime avocation and passion, he is InspirED's foil, working with Liza to develop and refine ideas and inspirations.
As the depth and breadth of the work required of MarCom has grown, there has not been a commensurate growth in the financial commitment to the department. The result is that almost every director of MarCom we know is completely overwhelmed.