23. Fun Video 2024
McCallie School
Chattanooga, TN USA
Grades 6-12, Boys Boarding and Day
McCallie has done it again this year--great script, video elements, original. Fun. My top choice.
McCallie never disappoints! The costumes, production value, and humor in this video were entertaining from start to finish. This is a great example of showing the culture of your school without being overt about it. From a marketing perspective, the best videos can be cut up into differently sized pieces for multi-channel distribution—and this is a perfect example of that type of video. Excellent job!
Wow, this is kind of in a category of their own. Very impressive.
Brandan Roberts, McCallie School, Director of Video
Woodward Academy
College Park, GA USA
Grades PreK-12, Coed Day
Kids trying to pronounce quasquicentennial. Some great expressions and outtakes. Loved the white background that really made facial expressions stand out. A good laugh at the end.
SO cute and original! It was very different from the other videos in that it didn't have an extensive script or agenda — It was a simple and fun way to celebrate a big milestone!
Marla Goncalves, Woodward Academy, Marketing & Engagement Director
Nija Meyer, Woodward Academy, Vice President for Enrollment Management
Amy Morris, Woodward Academy, Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications
Michie Turpin, Michie Turpin Photography, Owner
Gilman School
Baltimore, MD USA
Grades PK-12 Boys Day
You turned what could have easily been passed over as a media opportunity into something that is memorable and impactufl, telling the story of the new mascot while simultaneously celebrating your community, facilities, services, and history.
This is a standout video! Gilman took something as simple as a mascot costume change and turned it into an engaging story. It was well-thought-out and humorous, keeping you engaged to the end. They subtly showed off their school, classes, and faculty in the process. As a marketer, this was an entry I found myself thinking about even weeks later!
This was great! I almost started crying at the end. Well done, team! I appreciate the scripting and the evidence of planning.
Stacy Hedeman, Gilman School, Director of Marketing and Communications
Karaline Johnson, Gilman School, Graphic Designer
Luis Ruuska, Gilman School, Website and Digital Marketing Manager
Johanna Schein, Gilman School, Archivist
Lauren Rauseo, Gilman School, Communications Manager
Chris Flint, Gilman School, Audio-Visual Coordinator
Logan Haerian, Gilman School, Script Writer
Jamie Howard, Gilman School, Script Writer
Robert Isacson, Isacson Studios, Lead Videographer
Robbie Isacson, Isacson Studios, Assistant Videographer
Conner Sebreny, Isacson Studios, Assistant Videographer