17. Magazine Overall Design (Enrollment 350 or Fewer) 2024
Stuart Country Day School
Princeton, NJ USA
Early Childhood, Coed
Grades PK-12, Girls Day
The quality of the content in this magazine made it my clear pick for Gold. You can truly get a feel for every community member's story at Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in one sitting with this publication. Visually, it is impressive, but beyond that, it is a thoughtful reflection of a beautiful learning community with wonderful news to share.
The cover collage for 60th year anniversary is whimsical and creative. The historical feel connects with the theme. Solid use of the grid and a consistent design throughout help the large-scale photos shine.
A clear purpose for the magazine, neatly delivered in a contemporary format and a nice mix of media. Clearly encouraging the spirit of donating.
Hilary Morris, Director of Marketing and Communications
Monica Vagnozzi Vogel, Creative Director, Marketing and Communications
Ilanna Canale, Graphic Designer
Wednesday Seven for Episcopal Day School of St. Matthew
San Mateo, CA USA
Grades PK-8, Coed Day
Right off the bat, the reader is attracted to this fun illustrative cover. Upon turning the pages, the big, bold colors and typography are coupled with a consistent design layout. There's some nice variation between articles with good visual interest in each spread, drawing the reader in. Clear callouts, some use of white space, and a well-integrated common thread throughout the magazine tie in the cover elements and colors.
I love illustrations in school magazines, and I think this execution is now among my favorites! They thoughtfully got many ideas and stories across within just a few spaces.
Maura Feingold, Wednesday Seven, Creative Director
Luisa Betancourt, Wednesday Seven, Senior Designer
Fatima Julien, Episcopal Day School, Communications & Marketing Manager
Tish Scola, Director of Admissions
Kendra Mastain, Episcopal Day School, Director of Development
Quincy Grieve, Episcopal Day School, Head of School
Foxcroft School
Middleburg, VA USA
Grades 9-12, Girls Boarding and Day
The inside of this issue wins for large-scale typographic elements and a clean layout that makes it easy for the reader to engage. There is a wonderful focus on the college counseling related pages with a wonderful numeric treatment to take you through the story.
Christine McCrehin, Assistant Director of Publications and Storytelling
Bethany Stotler, Director of Marketing and Communications
Ginny Riley, Digital Media Specialist and Video Production Teacher
Laura Moan, Director of College Counseling
G. Lee Wall, Raison
Rachel Kammerdeiner, Raison