1. Printed Viewbook/Prospectus (Enrollment 351 or More) 2024



Kent Place School

Summit, NJ USA
Grades PreSchool-12, Girls Day

What an ingenious use of user-generated content! Using listicles and current students to frame the narrative for this piece is brilliant. Kent Place has also done a remarkable job reinforcing its visual and narrative identities here, which is one of the many benefits of having a clear, well-articulated brand. It's a longer piece, but very well done.

At this point, I think I could quote the 16 words of Kent Place School! The book tells you in advance what you'll get and then in delivers in a most creative way. Just when you thought viewbooks could no longer be original and engaging, along comes Kent Place School!

This viewbook is original. It is centered on the mission statement and 14 lists that go beyond the fast-facts listicle model to include the unexpected (e.g., "imperfect!" as one of the "7 ways to define a leader"). In most lists, the writing consists entirely of student quotes. A nice change from the usual marketing copy.

Kent Place Admission and Communication Teams


Cursive Content for Berkeley Preparatory School

Tampa, FL USA
Grades PK -12, Coed Day 

Exceptional copy: puts the prospective student at the center of the narrative. Traditional, strong photography is combined with modern, eye-catching graphics. It's as enjoyable to look at as it is to read.

Emily Cretella,
Cursive Content, Writer
Tyler Wessel, Wessel Creative, Graphic Designer
Jane Bianchi, Berkeley Prep, Director of Strategic Communications
Paula Tevnan, Berkeley Prep, Director of Admissions


Creosote Affects for Foxcroft School

Middleburg, VA USA
Grades 9-12, Girls Boarding and Day 

This book could not be for any other school. It doesn't just talk about empowering girls. It demonstrates it in different ways. From a spread devoted to the tradition of the school cheering as you run around the salad bar on your birthday to headlines like "Sing, Girls, Sing" to attractive photos of the horse-loving campus, it does exactly what a viewbook should do—says "this is who we are" in a way that will appeal to those who would thrive there.

Bethany Stotler,
Foxcroft School, Director of Communications and Marketing
Krystyna Martin, Foxcroft School, Director of Admission, Access and Inclusion
Trey Adams, Foxcroft School, Director of Admission and Enrollment
Emily Hajjar, Creosote Affects, Creative Director
Mary Walters, Creosote Affects, Copywriter
Colton Serra, Creosote Affects, Designer