Q: Finalsite Marketing Help
We have a staff member who is a Finalsite expert, but time constraints does not allow us to do all that we need. Is there a recommended firm who could take over many of the tasks on our backend? Specifically inbound marketing to email campaigns. From Ryan Jobe, Seacrest Country Day, Director of Admission
Just this morning I met someone who provides Finalsite support to schools:
Frankie Winter
Great question, Ryan! We often hear from schools that don't have the time to make the most of their CMS or do all the inbound marketing they want!
In the short term, there are many consultants out there that can help you plug the gap - some excellent ones in this Guru group.
In the long term, however, is this the right model for you? Or are you going to require a team around you busy being busy?
I thought I'd share some additional observations and thoughts, which may be useful to other school marketers.
Why #SchoolMarketing Fails
Every MarComms department wants more time, resources, people, and software. Schools often buy into the promises of the newest tech or marketing 'model.' None of that solves the root problem.
School marketing often fails because busy marketing teams lack one of two things:
the strategic foundations (stakeholder analysis, clear goal setting, data & insights, etc.)
an internal engine to drive it
That internal engine includes people, your culture, your community, your processes.
For example, our schools spend an average of 5.3 minutes per week on their weekly newsletter (yes, 300 seconds!). From starting at 3:55 pm on Friday to hitting send at 4 pm.
Why? Because they have an effective tagging and content strategy in place. Tech/software is then applied to that strategy and process.
Does inbound work? Does print work? Do landing pages work? Does VR work? Does TikTok work? Yes AND no. The next trend is always around the corner. There will always be 'thought-leaders' searching for the latest fad to jump onto and sell. You still need the fundamentals of what makes good marketing and communications. The principles of storytelling do not change.
No single approach or software is right for every school.
Tracy Tigchelaar heads Finalsite's Finalsite Advantage consulting team and has spearheaded numerous inbound campaigns for schools — including The Post Oak School and Hebron Academy.
Her email is tracy.tigchelaar@finalsite.com — and she is seriously amazing!
Most of our recent school partners are on board because of time constraints due to the virus.
Having someone external who can pivot with you is important, as is providing insight into the changing market and how parents shop for big-ticket services.
While we don't promote the tail wagging the dog, it is important to have an understanding of both the business and education of independent schools.
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